Draytek 2820 maximum number of permitted Internet Sessions
I’ve been having some issues with a Draytek 2820 at home lately. I’d made some changes to my network and swapped out a none WiFi Draytek 2820 with the WiFi version. Whilst configuring the new router I took the opportunity to upgrade the Firmware to the latest version ( , Release Jan 2016). A few days later I started getting an error message browsing the internet: “You have reached the maximum number of permitted Internet sessions. Please close one or more applications to allow further Internet access. Contact your system administrator for further information.” I rebooted the router, which solved the problem, and didn’t think much of it. This happened again…
Windows 10 start menu critical error
I had a customer today who had upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7. All was going well until he rebooted and the Windows 10 start menu gave an error: “Critical Error – Your Start menu isn’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in.” Of course this was never fixed the next time they signed in, it was just kept reappearing.
Outlook missing emails after being moved to a folder
OK, well todays problem I’ve not come across before is strange. A user reports that they have moved some emails into a subfolder in outlook and they’ve disappeared. I check the folder and it’s empty. Hmm. I send a test email to the account, move it to the folder and all is good. I move the email back to the inbox and ask the user to move it. It disappears. I then search the whole mailbox and it appears in the search results. When hovering over it I see the folder name is different to the folder name in outlook.I found the folder buried under several sub folders which contained…
Windows SBS 2008 server out of disk space
I’ve been seeing a lot of Windows 2008 SBS servers running out of disk space lately on the C drive. This causes Exchange to stop working due to the “back pressure” feature, which has been the first clue to the problem. After a bit of searching I found several area’s where log files can grow. The 4 main area’s I found are : Active Directory Certificate Services IIS Log Files SBS Data Collector log (DataserviceComponents.log) Sharepoint SQL logs I found a great script at SBSfaqs (http://www.sbsfaq.com/?p=1598) and updated the script to include all 4 points above and be able to select which options to run. You will need to save the…